LEAYSA Season Report

All LEAYSA sports boards must complete this form upon the completion of each season. Failure to complete this form may result in loss of facility privileges for the following seasons.

Please complete all sections of this form. If clarification is needed for anything, please feel free to comment in the section at the end of this form.

League Type
Year and Season
Please put the year and season of the league (ex: 2020 Fall, or 2020-21 Winter)
Reg Start Date
Open the calendar popup.
Please list the first date people were able to register for this league
Reg End Date
Open the calendar popup.
Please list the last date people were able to register for this league
Practices Begin
Open the calendar popup.
Please list the date that practices began for this season
End of Season
Open the calendar popup.
Please list the date of the final league event(s) (games, meets, playoffs, etc.)
Total Participants
Please list the total number of youth participants.
Total Residents
Please list the total number of youth residents
Total Non-Residents
Please list the total number of youth non-residents
Total Coaches
Please list the total number of Coaches/Volunteers (anyone who completed a background check)
Total Teams
Please list the total number of teams in the league. If this is not a team sport simply enter 0.
Please place any comments or notes on the season here
Required Fields